
The digital portfolio below contains recent web development and design projects that I’m rather proud of. Click into each entry to view more information, see additional information, screenshots, and more.

  • The Bulletin Online
    The Bulletin Online

    As a print publication, The Bulletin helps support UScience's mission of engaging alumni audiences, industry partners, and university constituencies through sharing stories, research breakthroughs, profiling distinguished students, and providing updates on the latest campus news. Furthering this goal, I approached a complete reimagining of the digital edition of The Bulletin Online in 2017, bringing the site out of an external blogging platform and into our new website's CMS.

  • DavidAndAdrienneWed.com

    If getting engaged has taught me anything it's that weddings are super complex occasions to plan! To help some of this process, I built out a microsite to help our guests find information about our special day, submit their paperless RSVP, see what stores we're registered at, and even learn more about the happy couple. Implementation was kept simple with a mobile-first concept and content presented in an easy to browse way. Think of it as the digital program to our analog wedding, plus much more.

  • USciences Online
    USciences Online

    Online education presents a unique opportunity for traditional brick-and-mortar universities, especially established schools like USciences who have made a name for themselves in higher education over the last two centuries. The university had dabbled in online courses in the past, but when a new push was initiated in 2019 to create degree-granting online programs for graduate and undergraduate students it was imperative to quickly establish a digital presence which would allow the university to promote the new initiative as well as attract and enroll online learners.

  • Proven Everywhere
    Proven Everywhere

    To help promote the university and its educational mission to prospective students, USciences maintains a continually updated brand landing page: Proven Everywhere. The webpage serves as a gateway for audiences interested in enrolling at USciences but also acts as a digital companion piece to the university's marketing presence on television, radio, streaming media, billboards, and physical mailings. Given this relationship, the design and messaging of Proven Everywhere is updated on a consistent basis in order to align it with the university's evolving marketing efforts.

  • USciences Bicentennial
    USciences Bicentennial

    Being the first college of pharmacy in the nation, University of the Sciences (established in 1821) has a lot to be proud of in its 200 years of educating leaders in science and healthcare. To celebrate this milestone, a series of events, lectures, fundraising campaigns, class reunions, and other festivities were planned for the 2020-2021 academic year. To help promote and communicate the Bicentennial and build excitement around the event it was determined a microsite would need to be built within our existing CMS allowing the university to promote the event and its storied past to the public.